This workshop assists schools in dealing with legal issues in the employment environment and gives a broad overview of important legislation for all management, including issues around dismissals and an understanding of the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) processes.
The workshop has been designed and customised for ISASA member schools by an experienced labour/legal consultant and covers the following topics:
- Legislation impacting on the workplace, e.g. protecting private information, COVID-19 and remote work, sexual offenders, unfair discrimination, employment equity, contractual issues.
- Rights and duties of managers, employees and shop stewards/employee representatives.
- The national statutory context: overview of Labour Legislation, Codes of Practice, and CCMA Rules, Regulations and Guidelines.
- Differentiating between misconduct, incapacity and operational related dismissals, and processes for dealing with these.
- The CCMA: overview of the processes, what to expect and how to prepare.
The workshop uses a participative approach and the content is rooted in the daily experience of delegates to emphasise practical situations and illustrate the application of concepts, theory, law and practice in the workplace. It is for school managers, senior staff members and employee/staff representatives.
Facilitator: Judith Griessel, a labour lawyer with extensive experience in the independent school sector.
Duration: 1 day in-person or 2 afternoons online (usually 09:00 – 16:00 in person and 12:00 – 16:00 online)
In-Person Cost: R1 420 per delegate (excluding VAT).
Online Cost: R780 (excluding VAT)
Please contact the ISASA Professional Development Department for more information.