Workshop Booking Process

A full list of workshops is available on this website. Selected upcoming workshops also appear in each Weekly Bulletin.

Booking Process

All bookings are made online via the ISASA website by a school’s authorised booking staff member(s). Should your school not have a booking account or require additional information on training and completing online bookings, please email


Billing applies upon registration. Should you wish to cancel a registration, please do so via the RSVP portal at least ten full business days before the event in question. Always also email immediately after attempting to delete your online registration to be sure the de-registration has been effected by the system. At short notice, please email to provide the name of a replacement delegate from your school who will attend..

Meeting Links, Passwords & Access

The meeting links will be issued the day before the event. It is important to note that only registered delegates will be admitted to the course on the day. Please make sure your Zoom account or device name clearly identifies who you are.

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