Umalusi Accreditation Site Visits

In April 2017, ISASA conducted a survey, the purpose of which was to establish how ISASA member schools were coping with the Umalusi accreditation process. The survey gave us an indication of various stages of accreditation that schools were at, but more importantly it also gave us a good sense of different experiences that schools go through in fulfilling the Umalusi accreditation requirements.

Emanating from the various sentiments expressed by ISASA schools who completed the survey, ISASA deemed it necessary to put together documents that would assist schools in mining their way through the Umalusi accreditation process and requirements.

The following documents are available to schools:

List of Umalusi Policies
Umalusi Verification Site Visit
A School's Umalusi Experience
Guideline for Criteria 1, 2 and 5
Guideline for Criteria 3 and 4

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