
Code4Kids ( is committed to empowering South African teachers with the tools, resources and support needed to implement the CAPS Coding and Robotics Curriculum 2025.

Code4Kids offers a complete solution for South African teachers to deliver the CAPS Coding and Robotics Curriculum (Grades R-9) confidently, with no coding experience required. Our unique platform provides teaching-ready resources and year-round support, ensuring teachers are well-prepared. Our solution enables teachers to deliver top-quality digital skills education to students at an affordable price. (Or at no more than the cost of a textbook!) Visit for more information.

Ons KABV Kodering & Robotika Kurrikulum vir Grondslagfase (Graad R-3) is nou ook beskikbaar in Afrikaans vir leerders! Volg die skakel om ons gratis voorbeeld lesse af te laai.

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