The Southern African Independent Schools Human Resources Association (SAISHRA) is a non-profit Association and does not exist for purposes of carrying on any business that has for its object the acquisition for gain by the Association or its individual members.

The Association is formed to promote the advancement of the Human Resources discipline within Independent Schools in support of the ISASA Mission. To serve, support professional development and provide a forum to exchange information on best practice on the whole spectrum of human resources.


  • To create a model of HR service excellence, professional impact, and a networking platform that offers value and innovative solutions.


  • Enhance the capabilities of HR to have strategic impact on their school‘s performance
  • Provide opportunities for networking and sharing information among HR Practitioners
  • Strive for the highest level of professionalism, integrity and service delivery
  • Proactively enhance transformation and HR Best Practice
  • Continuous Improvement
  • HR Value Add


  • Create a forum for exchanging innovative thinking and information.
  • Provide stimulating programmes, interaction and resources on topics related to operational and strategic human resources issues.
  • Provide opportunities and resources to develop Human Resources practitioners.
  • Generate a sense of belonging, mutual support and effective collaboration.
  • Influence the role of Human Resources within the independent school arena.
  • Benchmark locally and internationally.
  • Keep abreast of developments and trends in Human Resources.
  • Promote sound and effective employee relations.
  • Organise and arrange workshops, seminars and conferences for membership.
  • Address member’s diverse needs and lobby support where necessary


  • Membership is open to individual HR practitioners employed by a school duly registered with ISASA and any employee responsible for the Human Resources portfolio including but not limited to Bursars and Business Manager/s and Heads of School/s.

2022 / 2023 LEADERSHIP

  • National Chair: Shuia Hamilton-Baloyi
  • Vice-Chair: Gareth Low, Brescia House School
  • Secretary: Hengie McInnes, St Stithians College

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