Life Sciences Teacher: Senior and FET


Position as a full time Life Sciences Teacher, Senior and FET

Faithway Christian School is a small independent school situated in Himeville, in the Southern Drakensberg. It was founded in 1992 by a group of families in the community who wanted a Christian based education for their children. The school is a co-ed primary and secondary school and offers Grades 1 to 12. Faithway Christian School follows the CAPS curriculum; it is accredited with UMALUSI, OISESA and it is a member of ISASA.

The Board of Faithway Christian School invites applicants for the post of Full Time Life Sciences Teacher. We are looking for an individual who is innovative, creative and experienced in teaching Life Sciences at Senior and FET levels. The post is available immediately as the result of a teacher leaving the school with out giving a term’s notice.

The ideal candidate must be registered with SACE, have the appropriate academic qualifications and a police clearance certificate.

A detailed CV including at least three references, certified copies of qualifications and SACE registration as well as a letter of motivation should be emailed to

Closing date: 31st January 2025.

Closing Date
Himeville, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Number of Views: 589

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