As part of its Employee Relations Manual, ISASA provides members with Pro Forma employment contracts for the most common positions...
As part of its Employee Relations Manual, ISASA provides members with Pro Forma employment contracts for the most common positions...
SABISA members are at present able to apply to the ISASA Staff Development Fund (SDF) for assistance with visitorships to...
A grievance is any dissatisfaction, or feeling of injustice, on the part of an employee, or group of employees, in...
School management are required to ensure that all school employees are fairly and equitably treated, and in particular, that any...
There are various ways of terminating the employment contract, usually in conjunction with contractual notice: Resignation by the employee Retirement...
Incapacity in labour law is the non-blameworthy breach of a workplace/performance standard, i.e. the employee is unable to comply /...