The SABISA Constitution reads: The name of the Association shall be the Southern African Bursars of Independent Schools Association (hereinafter...
The Companies Act of 2008 introduced many innovations and substantial flexibility for what used to be Section 21 companies. All...
It is important to distinguish between fair and unfair discrimination in school admission policies. The South African Constitution prohibits unfair...
Exclusions from an independent school fall into the two broad areas of: Exclusion on grounds of contravention of the rules...
This memorandum of incorporation was adopted by Special Resolution passed on 27 JULY 2016 in substitution of the existing Memorandum...
Bullying of any nature in public and independent schools is prohibited in the South African Schools Act (1996) and its...
All independent schools have their right of establishment enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Section 29(3),...
The South African Schools Act (SASA) of 1996 established a national schooling system and recognised two categories of schools: public...