Desmond (Des) Alcock is the new pensioner trustee on the ISASA Retirement Fund.
The Fund welcomes Des Alcock to the Board and look forward to his valuable contribution. Des started his teaching career at Kimberley Boys’ High in January 1990. He then moved to Grahamstown in April 1999 to take up the position of HOD of Accounting at St Andrew’s College. He and his wife (Lizette) have thoroughly enjoyed their time at St Andrew’s.
Lizette retired last year and Des officially retired at the end of 2023. He will however stay on in 2024 on a part-time contractual basis to continue doing what he loves – teaching EMS and Accounting.
Des is also a musician and he plays guitar and sings. He has a one-man band and enjoys entertaining at functions where people enjoy his golden oldie style of music. They have a home in the Bushman’s River Mouth where they really enjoy relaxing in the peace and quiet.
Des takes a keen interest in financial matters and has a good understanding of the financial pressures faced by pensioners. Says Des, “It will be an honour for me to serve as a pensioner trustee on the ISASA Retirement Fund Board from 1 February 2024”.
The Board thanks Mike Bandey, outgoing pensioner trustee on the Board, for his many years of service to the Fund and wish him well in his future endeavours.