ISASA Schools Outreach Survey

Please help us to understand the scope, scale, and efficacy of your outreach and community service programmes, by completing the survey below.  This survey should take less than ten minutes of your time.

Your data will be kept confidential but it will greatly assist with our efforts to provide better services to not only our members, but also to the education sector as a whole. Anonymised results will be shared and incorporated into a forthcoming ISASA guidebook on Effective Outreach Practices for Independent Schools.

Please note: the survey is designed to capture data on both outreach programmes (external engagement with government schools as the beneficiaries) and ‘inreach’ community service programmes (with your pupils as beneficiaries). This is a key distinction going forward.

Outreach Survey 2023


Are you, or a relevant staff member, interested in participating in an online Outreach forum through ISASA?
Are you, or a relevant staff member, interested in serving on an Outreach Working Group for ISASA?

Outreach Programme Staff

Outreach Finances and Fundraising

Does your school contribute towards the running costs of Outreach and community service?
Who are the major donor types for your outreach programmes? (tick all that apply)
Are your funds for outreach held in a separate trust?

Types of Programmes

Please indicate which types of outreach and/or community service prorgrammes your school runs. Tick all those that appy.

Working within the DBE system
Supplementing / in addition to the DBE
Community service programme types for your pupils

Engagement with the Department of Basic Education

Monitoring and Evaluation

Do you have an Outreach staff member dedicated to monitoring and evaluation?
Do you collect data (baseline and summative) for your outreach programmes?
Do you provide impact data/metrics?
Do you engage external evaluators?


Call to Action

Which areas within your outreach programmes require assistance and/or could benefit from expertise in this arena?

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