Through strategic partnership schools are ensuring continuity for the families and children in their community.
Every new year brings excitements and transformation; with the ever-changing dynamics of education, schools are looking for ways to improve the quality of aftercare services while supporting them in fulfilling their core mission. Outsourcing gives schools a competitive edge by reducing operating costs, increasing staff flexibility and saving time. Club Engage partners with schools to assist with their Before Care, Aftercare and Holiday Care needs.
Club Engage staff have managed our aftercare with integrity and professionalism. Communication is encouraged between aftercare management and staff regarding the progress of girls attending aftercare. Club Engage provides Assumption with a monthly report and attendance. Aftercare fees are affordable for parents and the service provided is of a high standard. I can recommend Club Engage to schools that would like to outsource their aftercare facilities”
~ Chantal van Wyk – Primary school Principal, Assumption Convent School
Need more information? See for yourself why our service is right for you! Visit or Club Engage | LinkedIn or contact Genevieve Allen on 082 853 6479 or at