ISASA Pension Scheme and Provident Fund Recognised at the 2022 IRFA Lwela Ukwenza Kahle Awards

The Institute of Retirement Funds Africa (IRFA) annually hosts a Best Practice Awards programme for retirement funds to showcase the initiatives, engagements and projects they embarked on during the year.  The awards have developed considerably since being establihsed over 35 years ago as an incentive for recognising retirement fund communication practices.

The programme provides retirement funds the opportunity to showcase their practices and be recognised for the work they do. The competition is open to any retirement fund and entrants are required to provide a wide range of information on their practices as well as a clear declaration that the fund has complied with all regulatory requirements.

The evaluation is undertaken by a panel of judges who are all subject-matter experts in their respective fields. In order to judge best practice, the categories are based on industry research and benchmarking.

This is the ninth year in a row that the ISASA Funds have been recognised by their peers as a trailblazer in the industry and the first year they have been awarded the overall Gold Trophy. This achievement is testament to the ongoing dedication and hard work of the Board of Trustees and its sub-committees.

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